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Online Event: Data-Driven Design - Unlocking Insights

  • 29 Jan 2025
  • 6:45 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Online - Link included in registration confirmation email


  • HRNZ, AITD, CDANZ, FLANZ, ICF, NZOQ, PSANZ, TechCommNZ members can attend at member rates. When registering, use the 'Online Affiliate' promo code to access the member rate. Contact your affiliate administrator for this code.
  • For NZATD Committee members


Join us for our first webinar of 2025!  We'll be going behind the scenes to see how we can better utilise data to improve the design, experience, and strategy of our online content.  We'll explore real world examples, plus learn a few tips and tricks we can adopt from our friends in Marketing. 

Competency Framework:  Learning and Development Practice, Instructional Design, Evaluation, Elearning

Speaker: Josh Webster

Josh is passionate about helping L&D folks to improve their learner experiences. With a background in marketing, he's got some unique views and is always keen to share ideas and inspiration.  

Event Access: The link to access this event can be found in the Additional Information section of the Registration Confirmation and Reminder emails.  If you do not receive these emails, please check your spam or junk folders. 

Host: Upper North Island

Event eligibility: This event is open to NZATD members, affiliates and non-members.

Registering for this event:

  • Prices exclude GST.
  • Members can register for this event by logging in using their member login details.
  • Affiliates: (HRNZ, AITD, CDANZ, FLANZ, ICF, NZOQ, PSANZ, TechCommNZ) can attend at member rates. When registering, follow the non-member registration process and use the 'Online Affiliate' promo code to access the member rate. Contact your affiliate administrator for this code.

Cancellations and Attendance:

  • Please give 48 hours notice of cancellation.
  • Once registered, you will be expected to pay regardless of attendance.
  • Substitutions permitted if transferred to someone holding the same
  • ticket type e.g. member. Non-members are not permitted to attend in place of a member.

New Zealand Association for Training and Development (NZATD)

Address: P O Box 9319, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240

Phone:  021 794 277

