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NZATD Education Trust

The NZATD Education Trust is an independent legal entity that was established in 1983. Its purpose is to foster and advance the principles, methods and practical aspects of training and development. As a charitable trust, the trustees must ensure that they are contributing to the whole of the training and development community, not just members of NZATD.

The Trust has four permanent trustees. The NZATD President and NZATD Treasurer are ex-officio trustees.

NZATD Education Trust Grants

Grants are available to anyone to assist with specific proposals (projects) that are considered by the Trustees to be relevant to training and development. Some activities that would fit the criteria for the grants are:

  • research and / or study, the results of which will add to the knowledge and skills of trainers in New Zealand;
  • projects that develop people to carry out with greater competence, jobs related to their employment, trade or business;
  • promotion of awareness of training and development through publication, conferences, meetings and the media; and
  • a visit to New Zealand by eminent people, knowledgeable about or working in a training related field overseas.

Where appropriate, successful applicants are encouraged to share the results of their project within New Zealand either by publication – preferably in the joint NZATD/AITD Training and Development magazine and /or presenting a paper in a suitable forum such as an NZATD conference, or regional branch event.

Applying for an NZATD Education Trust Grant

Calls for Trust grant applications are advertised intermittently. For further information about NZATD Trust Grants, please email

New Zealand Association for Training and Development (NZATD)

Address: P O Box 9319, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240

Phone:  021 794 277

