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Online Event: Level 5 evaluation and beyond – an environmental trainer dares to tread where few have gone before.

  • 22 Aug 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Online - Link included in registration confirmation email


  • HRNZ, AITD, CDANZ, FLANZ, ICF, NZOQ, PSANZ, TechCommNZ members can attend at member rates. When registering, use the 'Online Affiliate' promo code to access the member rate. Contact your affiliate administrator for this code.
  • For NZATD Committee members

Registration is closed

A presentation by Clare Feeney, Environmental Communications Ltd, and Beryl Oldham, Complete Learning Solutions

Environmental experts may not be great trainers, but there is one thing they are really good at, and that’s measuring stuff. Stuff like water quality, biodiversity, carbon footprints, wastewater, river flows, solid waste – environmental SMEs are not daunted by data.

Many of our environmental laws and policies set measurable targets, so environmental training needs to align with these by being set up to deliver a measurable difference. Environmental systems are big, dynamic and complex, making it even more important to test our assumptions about causality, to tell us how much of any observed change was due to our management interventions and what else was going on that might influence these changes, for better or worse.

A standard Level 5 training assessment measures the monetary benefits of training across the human and financial capitals. Environmental training also delivers across all these capitals. Environmental training can also now use tools like the Natural Capital Protocol to identify and monetise the benefits to the environment of changes in workplace practice resulting from environmental training.

Clare aims to push the boundaries of the excellent tools used by professional trainers all around the world to accommodate recognised indicators of the environmental systems that enable humans to live well within the safe operating space of Planet Earth.

As New Zealand’s only ROI Methodology® - accredited trainer, Beryl will give a commentary on this process.

Competency Framework: Evaluation


  • Clare Feeney, Environmental Communications Ltd
  • Beryl Oldham, Complete Learning Solutions

Event Access: The link to access this event can be found in the Additional Information section of the Registration Confirmation and Reminder emails.  If you do not receive these emails, please check your spam or junk folders. 

Host: Upper North Island

Event eligibility: This event is open to NZATD members, affiliates and non-members.

Registering for this event:

  • Prices exclude GST.
  • Members can register for this event by logging in using their member login details.
  • Affiliates: (HRNZ, AITD, CDANZ, FLANZ, ICF, NZOQ, PSANZ, TechCommNZ) can attend at member rates. When registering, follow the non-member registration process and use the 'Online Affiliate' promo code to access the member rate. Contact your affiliate administrator for this code.

Cancellations and Attendance:

  • Please give 48 hours notice of cancellation.
  • Once registered, you will be expected to pay regardless of attendance.
  • Substitutions permitted if transferred to someone holding the same
  • ticket type e.g. member. Non-members are not permitted to attend in place of a member.

New Zealand Association for Training and Development (NZATD)

Address: P O Box 9319, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240

Phone:  021 794 277

